“Pride And Prejudice”

An Acrostic written for OctPoWriMo – Day 22

Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

Patting myself on the back for cleaning this cupboard
Riddled with ancient dust and my laziness
I saw one of my favourite books
Desperately calling me to open it to
Enjoy a world of Jane Austen and her words.

A tale of simple complexities, societal norms and true love
Not everyone’s favourite read, but, definitely, mine, as I
Decide to peep through its pages once more

People over time, have called this a timeless work,
Reiterating the power of relationships, letters and love
Embracing a possible tale of the era
Jane does it perfectly, in my humble view.
Unapologetic of her thoughts and actions, the protagonist outshines,
Dimming all the negativities in this book, if any
I, for sure, adore this, simply for the talent that made
Contemporary lives transform into a timeless classic
Endearing to many like me!!!


Thank you for reading☺☺

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